Tuesday, December 16, 2014

What I Have Been Up To

Inspiration was fleeting at best for a while. I was productive at times but not always happy  with what I was producing. I was creating to sell and it felt restricting. I already have another full time job for restraints like that so I closed my finished jewelry Etsy shop to give myself permission to play and I am enjoying my play time. The glue and crayons have admittedly been out and so have the paint and beads.

Put a Bead On It

                      Sometimes when I am not beading I draw pictures about beading.
The label is from my favorite New Glarus beer.

In case you were wondering - that is beaded directly onto a page from my sketchbook that I have painted and decoupaged. The label is from my favorite New Glarus beer. Bead everything.

Now I am working on a special gift for my niece that is a surprise, and while I am not terribly concerned that she will ever read this post, I am only going to give you a sneak peek for now with a promise for full photos and a pattern in the new year.

bead magicSo there you have my update. I hope you are also enjoying the freedom to bead happy.